The Board of Directors of IDOM REDES PROFESIONALES SL (the "Company") has the power to design, evaluate and permanently review the Governance and Sustainability System and, specifically, to approve and update corporate policies, which contain the guidelines that govern the actions of the Company and of the companies that are part of the Company, whose parent entity is, in the sense established by law, the Company
In the exercise of these responsibilities, aware of its commitment to the human team as the main strategic asset and key to its business success, and in accordance with the provisions of the Human Resources Framework Policy, the Board of Directors approves this Equality Policy, Diversity and Inclusion (the "Policy").
The purpose of this Policy is to achieve a favourable environment that facilitates and promotes equal opportunities, non-discrimination, diversity and inclusion of the professionals of the companies belonging to the Company, and thus to bet on a people management model committed to professional excellence and quality of life, all in accordance with current legislation in each country and following the best international practices, including what is established in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) approved by the United Nations in these matters.
Equal opportunities are one of the essential pillars of professional progress and its development implies equal treatment to promote the personal and professional progression of the Company's human team.
Diversity encompasses the set of characteristics that make people unique and singular, that is, the richness that each person brings thanks to their variety, including visible and non-visible conditions.
Inclusion, on the other hand, refers to how differences between individuals are valued and opportunities are created for everyone to unfold their full potential. Inclusion is a conscious strategy that focuses on the development of structures, systems, processes and culture that engender respect for the particularities of all people within an organization and fosters a feeling of belonging that makes them feel valued and part of a society or community.
This Policy is applicable to the Company and its employees
To achieve the objectives and commitments mentioned in terms of equal opportunities, the Company assumes and promotes the following basic principles of action that should govern the development of its labour relations
Guarantee the quality of employment as a fundamental means to promote equal opportunities and non-discrimination, promoting the maintenance of stable and quality jobs, with an occupational content that guarantees the continuous improvement of the skills and competencies of professionals.
Develop the principle of equal opportunities at work, compliance with which constitutes one of the essential pillars of professional development, and which implies the commitment to practice and demonstrate equitable treatment that favours the personal and professional progression of the Company's human team in the following scopes:
Choose the best professionals through selection tools and systems based on the candidates' knowledge and skills.
Hiring: not to establish discriminatory salary differences and to ensure the adequate integration of the professional in the company, work society and position.
Training: guarantee the training and qualification of each professional in the knowledge and skills necessary for the correct development of their work.
Support professionals with disabilities, promoting their effective employment
promotion of transparent communication, fostering innovation and granting professionals the necessary autonomy in the exercise of their functions.
Elimination of any action contrary to equal opportunities.
Promote gender equality in the Society, complying with the legislation in force in each country and following the best international practices, as well as the provisions on this matter in the fifth of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) approved by the United Nations and, in in particular, regarding access to employment, training, professional promotion and working conditions, and, for these purposes:
Reinforce the Company's commitment to gender equality both within the organization and in society and raise awareness about gender equality in both areas.
Guarantee the principle of equal opportunities in the development of the professional career, eliminating the obstacles that may impede or limit the professional career due to gender.
Analyse the positive action measures to correct the inequalities that occur and promote the access of the underrepresented gender to positions of responsibility in which they are underrepresented or not.
Promote mechanisms and procedures for selection and professional development that facilitate the presence of the underrepresented gender with the necessary qualifications in all areas of the organization in which they are underrepresented. Among others, through the implementation of specific training and professional development programs for women that encourage the Company to have a significant number of senior managers.
Ensure balanced representation in the different decision-making bodies and levels, guaranteeing equal opportunity participation in all areas of consultation and decision of the Company.
Promote the organization of working conditions with a gender perspective, allowing the reconciliation of personal and work life of all professionals who work in the Company to promote gender equality, ensuring the elimination of all discrimination based on sex.
Protect pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum as specific situations for professionals, avoiding any negative repercussions on their professional career.
Promote collaboration programs with educational centers to encourage the presence of the underrepresented gender in careers and training programs related to the Company's businesses in which the presence of one gender is substantially less than that of the other.
Collaborate in the fight against gender violence by establishing specific programs that include protection, support and information measures to accompany and protect victims of gender violence.
Standardize working conditions and benefits obtained by part-time and full-time professionals.
Respect, in the establishment of working conditions, the principle of equality of working conditions for jobs of equal value and economic value.
Exclude the prejudices that may exist with respect to people whose social, cultural or educational condition does not correspond to the models traditionally considered as standard or habitual and that may unduly condition professional promotion based on merit and ability.
To achieve the objectives and commitments regarding diversity and the promotion of inclusion, the Company assumes and promotes the following basic principles of action that should govern the development of its labour relations.
Guarantee non-discrimination among its professionals for any condition or circumstance worthy of protection.
Encourage all the Company's professionals to contribute their knowledge, experience and skills, regardless of any personal or social condition or circumstance.
Promote the sense of inclusion in Society so that all professionals consider themselves part of the business project and their role in the local, national and international community. The aim is that the values, principles and objectives of the Company are assumed as their own by the Company's human team and that their contribution to them is perceived as an essential component of not only professional but also personal development.
Recognize the coexistence of different generations as a source of continuous enrichment, due to their different capacities and approaches, both for professionals and for different businesses and corporate areas, and as a decisive contribution to the adaptation of the services provided by the Company to the needs of the communities in which it operates.
Consider that certain limitations in physical and / or intellectual capacities that can be an obstacle to the performance of some tasks represent, on the contrary, an important added value in others. In any case, do not identify such circumstances, preliminarily and without foundation, as obstacles to proper labour integration.
Recognize that the international character of the Society and the contribution of people of different origin, race or ethnicity, represent a permanent and decisive source of enrichment for the Society, which is preserved and promoted.
Promote information and communication with the different communities in which the Company operates so that the Company is recognized as an ideal place for the professional development of its different groups because of its inclusive practices.
Guarantee that the selection and hiring processes are based on neutral criteria and objectives of merit and ability, while establishing specific actions to favour the inclusion of groups with less ease of access to the labour market.
Adopt the appropriate integration measures to address, among others, the situations of single people, married or not, divorced, separated, widowed, living with several people, with or without children, and with other family and emotional circumstances, including the specific relationship that occurs with companion animals.
Ensure that decisions about career promotion and professional development are based on equitable criteria, eliminating in all company decisions in this regard, the reasons or consequences harmful to diversity, promoting the proper inclusion of all groups of professionals.
Guarantee that, in the training of each professional, regardless of the group to which they belong, they are endowed with sufficient knowledge, aptitudes and abilities for the correct performance of their work, at the same time foreseeing specific actions in this training from the perspective of the acceptance of diversity and the rejection of discrimination.
Encourage the use of inclusive language in any type of corporate, internal or external communication, and eradicate, in any case, the use of discriminatory language.
Preserve an environment free from workplace harassment, especially intentional or based on direct or indirect discrimination, ensuring the establishment of quick and effective reporting channels.
Continuously develop awareness policies for the professionals that make up the Company, especially those with managerial responsibilities, so that they value and promote the contribution that diversity represents for the Company.
Incorporate in leadership programs behaviours that favour better decision-making and a culture based on diversity, as well as an internal communication strategy that manages to transmit the plural and inclusive character of the Company.
Facilitate internal mobility and interaction within the organization to create networks and teams that take advantage of multiculturalism, and constantly monitor and update management processes and procedures to ensure that networking and teamwork to enhance inclusive diversity.
In line with the Policy of Respect for Human Rights, guarantee the rights of freedom of association included in international standards, to preserve the choice of each individual in their relationship with trade union organizations and their actions in defence of their legitimate interests.
To achieve the objectives established in this Policy, the Company has a responsible department, dependent on the Company's Human Resources Department, which is responsible for the implementation, monitoring and verification of compliance with this Policy.
This Policy was approved by the Board of Directors on May 4, 2020, as an Equality Gender Plan.
Alberto José Arenillas